Gallup came out with a study earlier this week that has implications for Brand Marketers. Americans’ confidence in television news has hit an all-time low with only Twenty-one percent of the 1,004 adults polled saying they had “a great deal” or “a lot” of confidence in television news media. This trends continues a steady decline from the 46% who expressed confidence in television media in 1993. Last year, the confidence level scored at 27%. Newspapers only do slightly better than TV in the confidence survey at 25% but also declined from prior year (-3%). The Gallup link below provides the full results of the survey.
So what are the implications for Brand marketers:
- The advertising value of TV news needs to be continually monitored. Consumers now digest news from so many sources radio, internet and their mobile devices that marketers must constantly analyze the best way to reach their target audience.
- American consumers have become more skeptical. For example, given the state of the economy, trust in elected officials and government is also at an all time low at only 45% saying they would re-elect their representatives to Congress (CNN Study 12/11). Traditionally, this number is double.
- This skepticism transcends into lifestyles and purchasing decisions. Brands now need to give credible rationale to prove efficacy and true reason for being or consumers won’t buy.
- The opinions of family and friends play a larger role in purchasing decisions especially for women who make 85% of the House Hold Purchases (Blog Her ’12). As we have mentioned in earlier blogs, we are a big believer in the Mary Lou Quinlan Just A Woman research based upon surveys of over 5,000 that states women make purchase decisions based upon their board of directors. Brand marketers have their hands full when deciding the best vehicles for ad spending.
But back to what is current–– we prefer our MSN news page and even Twitter to watching TV news. The internet provides a fast way to digest the news each day and on the weekend, we enjoy leisurely reading the wonderful magazine called “The Week” for a quick recap of news from all the major papers. Consolidation of the news is key for us especially when it comes to differing political views of each paper or news station. We just want the good ol’ objective news of Walter Cronkite back.
How do you get your news and what do you trust? Any advice for Brands on your end?
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