Cover of "Perfectly Imperfect: A Life in ...

Cover of Perfectly Imperfect: A Life in Progress

A truly extraordinary woman is Lee Woodruff, writer, newswoman, humanitarian, mother and wife. What makes her revolutionary is the way she encourages others that it is never too late to change your life or to make a difference even in little ways…

After her husband’s brain injury that they chronicled together in the book “In an Instant”, Lee helped Bob turn the hardship of his injury into an amazing cause that truly makes a difference for our Veterans — empowers people everywhere to take action to ensure our injured warriors and their families have successful futures. “In an Instant” also helped inspire two close friends Diann Kelly & Sydney Howe-Barksdale to write an academic treatise about how to heal our heroes called “Treating Young Veterans”.

But I will never forget attending a “Lives in Transition” meeting in our hometown where Lee candidly shared her experiences of “reinvention’ highlighted in her book “Perfectly Imperfect.” A woman at any age can start a new career or new direction like Lee did with her blog, career as social advocate and newscaster. Lee’s message could not have been more perfect for a group that provides networking for those facing career transitions. Not only did Lee light up the room with her enthusiasm and honesty, but she also provided everyone with real hope for the future. Lee’s insight touched our lives because we attended the event with another dear friend who suffered from a brain injury. Lee’s kind words to her personally gave our friend peace that healing would come in due time and it did.

We are enjoying Lee’s blog on her website. Recently, she wrote a powerful piece about how the modern woman” has been given “the gift to try to balance “it all”. The women that came before us did not have the range of options we have today and our daughters will be even more blessed.  Most of all, we love Lee’s vignettes on CBS This Morning about a variety of current topics, such as Pinterest parties. In closing, we can’t wait for her new fiction novel that will published in summer 2012. Thanks Lee for the extraordinary inspiration!