So honored to be #Fairygodboss of the Week

Dear Techandtravelmom Blog followers: We are on the brink of launching Hello Career Guru which is a virtual career trainer to help all women advance professionally. Check out our podcasts and our exciting blogs for gift giving. Meanwhile, this week I am so honored to...

Check out Hello Career Guru Salon Podcasts

Please check out our Hello Career Guru Salon Podcasts. Be sure to share with family and friends and follow @Hellocareerguru on all social platforms. We are always available to help support you since we have trained many many bloggers, videobloggers and social media...

C-Suite Insights To Help You Drive Your Career

,  Have so appreciated all the support of the  Techandtravelmom Community during these tough times and want to give back. Please Join us! Hello Career Guru Founder and CEO, Suzanna Keith and Co-founder and CMO, Sonal Rinello are thrilled to be a part of the upcoming...