
Mark your calendar for the next #WWEMoms Twitter party on Monday, November 19th at 1:00pm. Be sure to follow #WWEmoms on Twitter and register for the chance to win great prizes. We will discuss details of upcoming @WWE events and talk about the WWE Divas. Please join us because we would love your opinion.

So what do you think of the WWE Divas? Like most moms, our feelings about the Divas are reflections of what our children think. Our daughter loves Kelly Kelly because she likes her red outfits. She even voted for her during the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice awards last year in the “favorite butt kicker” category.  Our 10 year-old son met Layla at Summer Slam (video above) and was quite impressed by how nice she was.  In October, he noticed that Layla along with John Cena served as a spokesperson for WWE’s sponsorship during Breast Cancer month of the Susan G. Komen foundation.   Our son’s best friend’s mom recently recovered from breast cancer so he became even more impressed by WWE raising over a million dollars for breast cancer research.

Given the feedback from our family, we think WWE has an excellent opportunity for the Divas to become  “role models” for our children. Fitness and wellness should be a key focus.  We all know that childhood obesity is a serious concern in our country, but parents need help on how to manage. Many American moms struggle with the cost, planning and preparation of healthy meals for their families. That is why the simple and inexpensive recipes for Summer Slam were such a great success. What about some fun recipes and tips from the Divas for busy working moms?

In addition, encouraging daily exercise is also a constant concern for parents. Families are always looking for fun fitness routines or activities that can be done easily and for free. YouTube videos, on-line fitness video games and even Diva family fitness camps at AXXESS or other WWE events could be a fun way to further the cause.

We would love to hear your thoughts on the WWE Divas good or bad. Please comment below.  See you at the Chat on Monday and click on this link for details: http://twtvite.com/WWEThankful