
Hennessy (Photo credit: Sergey Melkonov)

Stuart Elliot’s Monday column in the New York Times features an ad campaign so unique that we had to blog about it right away.  Hennessy goes “Wild for the pursuit of achievement”.  What makes this campaign revolutionary is that a brand 248 years old has adopted a teaser approach with social media to do a 360 degree surround of the allusive young male target: 21-34 by appealing to their quest for success.

“Captain Ahab had his white whale. Don Quixote had his quest to restore the age of chivalry. Dorothy wanted to find a way to get home to Kansas. Now, a campaign for a Cognac seeks to celebrate aspiration and the pursuit of goals.

Although ads that portray the life style of consumers have been “successful” for Hennessy, says Rodney Williams, senior vice president for Moët Hennessy USA, they have become “a little expected.”

The “whole new communication platform” embodied by the campaign is intended to “engage, inspire, even provoke” consumers, he adds, “and connect with them in a more emotional way.”

The micro-site http://www.neverstopneversettle.com/ features a “coming soon” tag with a young hip male chasing something.  While we are not the target audience, I did play the role of the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderful in 5th grade was quite intrigued by the visual….hmm…..  Meanwhile, the music and imagery reminds us of “The Blair Witch Project“, the first internet viral movie back in ’99 that truly changed the way we view entertainment and use the web.

Check out the 988,000 likes on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Hennessy.
