Publicity photo of Shirley Jones for the 1962 ...

Image via Wikipedia

The Oscars is truly a the favorite night of the year in our house. We can’t wait to see Billy Crystal return as this year’s host.  While Hugh Jackman ranks as the “hottest” host, Billy is one of the funniest and will deliver marvelous monologues. Presenters announced thus far include Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lopez and Halle Berry.

 A few years ago we had a great party complete with a red carpet and a feast. However, none of this year’s films really made their mark to demand the big fanfare of the past. Guess, I will spend my time looking for the Elton John Pepsi commercial for the third time.  Ellen DeGeneres brilliantly summed up the current state of movie creative when she blogged in the Huffington Post about one of the lending contenders “The Artist”.

“It’s so original, and that’s hard to find in Hollywood these days. Now everything’s either a sequel, or based on book or inspired by actual events. And if it’s not, it’s probably a sexy vampire movie.”

That’s Entertainment.