Best Actress Academy Award

Best Actress Academy Award (Photo credit: cliff1066™)

The Oscars have evolved to become another  “sold-out” event for brand advertisers just weeks after “the most watched” Super Bowl ever.    For big advertisers and even movie executives, the Academy Awards  can create a unique complete 360 degree platform to reach consumers with a less cluttered environment due to program timing.

A 30:spot fetches about $1.7 million this year. Last year, 40% of total ad revenue came from three companies: Hyundai, JC Penney and Coca-Cola.  A few other well-known advertisers stand out for their loyalty and longevity. McDonald’s has appeared in the program every year since 1992 and American Express since 1993. An ironic fact is the major sponsors will spend more on the broadcast (rumored $10 million total) than some of the movies nominated spent behind their theatrical release.

Per, “an effort to attract audience and boost interest, ABC has been integrating online elements into its coverage. The 2011 show was streamed live, providing expanded coverage of red carpet activities, press room interviews with winners and other backstage activities. Social media and mobile applications were also utilized to help make the event more immersive and appealing to younger audiences.

We are hoping the night’s content meets its sold out media expectations. Marketers will need to analyze the results across the variety of media layers to have a full understanding of brand awareness and purchase intent generated from the Oscars. Meanwhile, I am looking forward to finding out which speech, dress or ad generates the most Tweets and Facebook comments.

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