We have gained new respect for the WWE with their week-long commitment during Wrestlemania to making a difference in the host city of Miami.  Exciting highlights included the be A STAR anti-bullying visits to Miami Dade middle schools and elementary schools, Literacy challenges at local libraries, and Make A Wish hospital visits and pizza parties. The charitable spirit dominated WrestleMania and Axxess where the anti-bullying t-shirts almost sold out. The spirt continued with the Monday Night RAW also from Miami up against the NCAA basketball championships no less. During the last two weeks, we really enjoyed discussing the WWE’s charitable devotion with our children because it enabled us to stress the importance of being a good citizen. Speaking of good citizenship, we appreciate the WWE’s dedication to our Armed Services. With a brother and uncles in the service, we truly value the salute at Wrestlemania and the on-going support.

Everywhere at Wrestlemania moms ruled. Even moms with daughters as shown in the photo below with a mom & teen daughter from Tampa.

Not many would picture us as WWE moms, but the perception is beginning to change as more and more moms across America realize that WWE provides PG family friendly entertainment. As parents, we constantly search for ways to connect with our teens and tweens. So when our 9 year old son asked for WWE rumblers for Christmas, we jumped at the chance to begin a dialogue. Watching RAW, Smackdown or playing the PS3 video game provides important bonding time with our tween son as well as our Teen.  Nothing better than a family laughing and cheering together to help bring more cohesive dynamics. Needless to say, our children’s interest in the WWE awakened the giant within bringing back the childhood memories of watching the WWE with our brothers & friends.

We can’t wait for SummerSLam and Wrestlemania XXIX in NYC.

We hope you will join the #WWE moms and let us know what you love about the WWE.
