
When our oldest son was young, math enrichment was not easily found on the internet but now a days many great Math Apps exist for our first grade daughter.

Experts state that in the next ten years our nation will have a serious shortage in engineering and medical talent. Acknowledging that our country’s future competitive advantage is based upon our ability to innovate in science and technology, our educators have renewed focus in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Math is now seriously emphasized even at the elementary school level.  Based upon this trend, many parents now look for math enrichment that is both interesting and fun.

We are so thankful that so many educational and affordable math apps (only $.99) are now available that instill the love of life long learning. Not only do Math apps help with development, but also they build tremendous confidence in our children.

Our top 5 Math Apps (Android and iPhone) for elementary school and pre-school age are:

  1. Math Evolve: seamlessly blends math practice with a video game to produce an engaging, and entertaining experience for ages 6 and up
  2. Math Magic: challenging and somewhat addicting game where kids calculate the magic balls needed to reach the target. Appropriate for ages 5 and above
  3. My Math Flash Card App: virtual flash cards to help drill the kids on basic math facts
  4. Math Girl: Addition and House & Garden are the perfect games to build the confidence of your elementary school daughter in her everyday math skills
  5. Kid Calc: a simple and easy App to help young children (under 7) who are just beginning to learn basic addition and subtraction

Other Apps that offer great resources but aren’t math exclusive:

  • iLearn With Planet Boing: features games that focus on four key skill sets critical for early learning: math, science, language and literacy. What makes this game revolutionary is that it analyzes and creates a personalized learning path for your child
  • Fun brain: fun math games for pre-schoolers and early elementary. Some of our favorites are Math Arcade and Math Baseball

Plenty of Apps exist for older kids and we recommend: Kahn Academy and wolfphramalpha (expert math computation advice for homework).

What are your family’s favorite educational Apps? We would love to learn about your experiences because it sure takes a village to raise our children!

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