tex playing video games

tex playing video games (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We just read Adweek‘s article “Datapoints:the kids are online”. As moms, these trends scare us a bit. We are now ready to move in with theonlinemom.com for minute-to-minute guidance with our children & technology.

“Taking a page from their parents, kids are adopting technology at ever-earlier ages. A survey by Walker Communications for Bonnier‘s Parenting Group found that among even the youngest children, nearly half are spending at least a few minutes a day using a smartphone, and nearly one-fifth are using one for up to an hour a day. Boys and girls’ media use was similar, although one area they differed significantly by gender was in their use of video games, according to a study by children by Common Sense Media: While video games are popular among boys and girls alike, boys are more likely to play video games and almost three times as likely as girls to play video games daily.”

The key insight is that technology is revolutionizing our society and we need to closely analyze and monitor how it impacts our children.  Today’s world is very different from our childhood when we didn’t even have answering machines. The rapid pace of new technological advances gives us parents lots of stress and anxiety.  In this maze, moms are looking for the right guidance and even a hero.  So this is our call to Brand Marketers to help us with solutions to keep our families happy and safe.

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